Learning whilst clicking - The Game

Susan Boyle what is making HER special - What Do U Think?

Put on your HEADSET and listen whilst you READ
ALSO check out my latest Traffic Exchange we
investigating - HITTOAD

In this game branding is everything.
Before you go any further decide on
a trading name or link name which
you can register with and then keep it.

U will be visiting and registering at
these sites a little later on

WAIT!! start here down load this free tool
it is the best piece of software - and most
productive you will use

let me know what you think

YOU can get all fancy and put in LOGO's and spruce
up you image and so - here it is simply a matter of
telling you what to do.

REMEMBER : JOIN for FREE and skip all the
enticing BOOKS AND PROGRAMS for sale
we taking this slowly

Group one
Traffic Pods

Group Two
Traffic Splash
Dragon Surf
MaxTraffic Pro - this one is a mind bender leave for now

Group Three
Elite Surf Club
Royal Surf

Get going register and get clicking.

Remember BRANDING is everything.

Never panic or get the feeling of hopelessness
there will always be someone close by on the
internet. Remember to keep WALLET IN POCKET
till you comfortable and know what you doing.

Sure! it may sound easy - whether you like it or
not, the best way to get ahead in viral marketing
and social media is to learn whilst click sprinting.
That is what it feels like. The meaning of information
overload takes on a whole new slant.

Advice to newbies is register with Traffic Exchange
and then read, learn and listen.

A WORD OF WARNING - LINKUP with a person
or a team - it is a must then ask as many questions
as you can. Try not to complete all the PAGES
that request you information this could lead to
tons of email. This is another good point to bear
in mind Register a second email addy

YES! link up with a team find a place where
you comfortable to go to each day. An online
family of like minded people.

After a lot of searching of business opportunities
and Traffic Exchange sites I have come to realise that
there are a few favourites.

Right now if I was giving you advice as to what
to do this would be it:

YES! forget about websites, autoresponders
and the product you so desperately want to
market - YES! put on hold that MILLION
DOLLAR business turnover you had thought
was coming your way.

Start Here:

In fact instead of 3 Traffic Exchanges there
are actually three groups with a number of
associated Traffic Exchanges each

The features and beenfits of each are available
on the applicable websites - TAKE A LOOK,
Register for FREE and then read whilst you
SURF. Now here is the bonus, KNOW THAT
the business opportunities and literature that
is worth anything will keep appearing.
WHY! Well once registered on all the sites I
mention plus the others you will see a trend
and pattern appearing and it is here you will
start to be drawn into business opportunities
and books on HOW TO. That is when you know
you getting ahead

You decide and get a feel - my choice is obvious
again it depends on my mood and the RETURNS
I am looking for each day.

Be aware you must monitor your STATS - lets
not go there for now, that for another topic

WAIT!! start here down load this free tool
it is the best piece of software - and most
productive you will use

let me know what you think

YOU can get all fancy and put in LOGO's and spruce
up you image and so - here it is simply a matter of
telling you what to do.

REMEMBER : JOIN for FREE and skip all the
enticing BOOKS AND PROGRAMS for sale
we taking this slowly

Group one
Traffic Pods

Group Two
Traffic Splash
Dragon Surf
MaxTraffic Pro - this one is a mind bender leave for now

Group Three
Elite Surf Club
Royal Surf

Get going register and get clicking.

OH! Hold up you could spend the next
period of time trying to take everything
in. My advice get the feel of the business
then slowly start reading, reading and
then practice every single day

This is work in progress keep your wits about
you and money in your pocket until you feel
comfortable and then start upgrading with
help from myself or other team leaders
you may have come across.

Rob Lawson earningagain is what i am all about
We are a group of people trying to find a solution,
a solution which will help someone get into business
then stay in business.

Join me on this CLICKING Journey - one of
extreme fun.

Rob Lawson

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traffic exhange with a difference